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IS1671 Youth Exhibitor's Animal Health Record Instructions
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Pet Health Record Forms
10th september.removal by hardship animal level---They artificially created conditions of hardship up to deprivations of the main necessities,till hunger ,till animal life,for to realize this sexual enforcement and subordinate to the regime,then for not to admit applying for justice:for people who survive in any economical crisis;under any government;and even under racism to russians in Europe.Holland,thanks to this illegal keeping of us there,openly used that program,which"Scientology" and chechens - trying to force us to serve their incursion and blackmail of Kremlin,holding by chechens oil selling ownership-made for us in Moscow in disguise form."Chechen's program for russians now just reflects general moslem program for West nations,extended for a long time(when they will finish process of your corruption):You are not allowed family;You are not allowed private life;no job;no profession;no money; no right on health and on maintenence of it by sport studies:they will care especially after this point very seriously through "Scientology" first task of which is deprive west nations of its physical and moral health;no right on fresh air;on water;on own kitchen and bathroom;no right on self-determination.We are in Present Continuos.You - in Future Tense.In Holland:during a year for our family,husband and wife:room two on three meter in the men dormitory(of seven moslem men).Two dirty mattresses.No table.The biggest room in Holland I had in prison.-after islamistic split with my husband.No access to any communications;compiled TV.Nearest "Scientology" town - five km through fields.Nearest city - from 20 to 40 km on foot through fields.Dutch pocket money you can use for transport or for the post,overstraining totalitarian interception.--- Page 7A-3Modern comments of September,2003 for letter of 10-th of September,2001 "Scientology" settlement Heijen,Holland.("Einesteinin")Now in Russia they continue their "Scientology"-islamistic regime program of artificially created deprivations for we do not say how they removed us in Holland and Germany.We live without hot water(cold water,electricity and heating they also switch off when they need to stop our steps)after dutch reservations still can not cook and wash because of strong psychedelic drugs filling in these spaces(look symptoms separately)applications to the ministry of civil defence,general procurator office,President of Russia,-ignored ;without a telephone:the first what moslems did when we came back to Russia is switching off our telephone line and TV cables;hundred km(two hours by russian train)from Moscow;under Luzchkov's "5-th point" for job in constant gas-camera , "Scientology" gang always follow and press us(look second letter to american Ambassador). ******Afer using against us special chemical substances in dutch reservations and prisons,I lost almost allteeth;two years I practically do not have voice,-not able to speak.
Illinois Department of Agriculture - Forms - Animal Health & Welfare
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