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Market Research Chad 651-330-8032..A comparison of Vivix to other Resveratrol products by Dr. Steven Chaney*********************************There is Vivix... and then there are others.This week I'm addressing why Vivix is different from otherresveratrol products on the market. So, let's get right toit...Q: Everyone seems to have a resveratrol product nowadays.Why is Vivix better than all those resveratrol products onthe market?A: The answer to that question is really three-fold.In the first place, the resveratrol in Shaklee's Vivix isa higher potency, higher purity preparation than many ofthe other resveratrol products on the market.Dr. David Sinclair's studies were a shock to manyscientists in the resveratrol community. He showedconvincingly that the amounts of resveratrol one needs tohave a substantial beneficial effect were orders ofmagnitude greater than anyone expected. Clearly, one ortwo glasses of red wine per day won't do the trick.Similarly, many of the older resveratrol products on themarket just aren't potent enough to be of any significantbenefit.For those resveratrol products that are potent enough,many aren't pure enough. There is a naturally occurringcontaminant in impure resveratrol preparations that has alaxative effect. Unless the resveratrol preparation is 99%pure or better, many people will find that the sideeffects outweigh beneficial effects.But the most important reason is that resveratrol cannotdo it all. It is just one of many naturally occurringpolyphenols, which is why Shaklee added a polyphenol blendfrom muscadine grapes to their purified resveratrol.For example, Shaklee's polyphenol blend is high in ellagicacid, which is not found in significant amounts in redwine or most resveratrol preparations.Ellagic acid inhibits an enzyme that is involved in theformation of advanced glycation end products (AGEproteins), one of the central four mechanisms of cellularaging. Resveratrol has no effect on this enzyme, but doesblock the other three key mechanisms of cellular aging.Similarly, animal studies suggest that ellagic acid shinesin preventing gastrointestinal cancers, while resveratroland other components of the polyphenol blend that Shakleeuses prevent a variety of other tumors.The bottom line is that by adding a polyphenol blendcontaining ellagic acid and other protective polyphenolsfrom the muscadine grape to their ultrapure, ultrapotentresveratrol, Shaklee has developed a product that isclearly superior to either resveratrol or a muscadinepolyphenol blend alone.This is not a "one plus one" addition, but a synergisticcombination of protective polyphenols that is far moreprotective than any one of them alone.To your health, Dr. Stephen ChaneyP.S. If you'd like to learn more about the health benefitsof ellagic acid and other polyphenols in muscadine grapes,I recommend a book called Muscadine Medicine by Drs. DianeK. Hartle, Phillip Greenspan and James L. Hargrove of theUniversity of Georgia.************************************Dr. Stephen Chaney is a professor of biochemistry andnutrition at the University of North Carolina - ChapelHill. His name is on over 80 published studies inscientific and medical peer-reviewed journals and heteaches nutrition to medical students at the UNC.
Venture Planning Group Animal Health Companies
Animal Therapeutics and Diagonostics (HLC034B)
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